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10 Proven Tibetan Tools You Should Use for Healing and More

Who of you wants to be healthy? Who of you wants to enjoy longevity, and be fit physically and mentally? Use these ten Tibetan tools for healing. What are they?

Although Tibetan medicine has been defined by some sources online and in books, there are still some undiscovered facts about it and I am going to write about them in this article.

What Is Tibetan Medicine?

Traditional Tibetan medicine, also known as Sowa-Rigpa medicine, is a centuries-old traditional medical system that employs a complex approach to diagnosis, incorporating techniques such as pulse analysis and urinalysis, and utilizes behavior and dietary modification, medicines composed of natural materials (e.g., herbs and minerals) and physical therapies (e.g. Tibetan acupuncture, moxabustion, etc.) to treat illness. - Wikipedia

Overview of Tibetan Medicine

Tibetan medicine is an individual-specific diet, patient-oriented medication, behavioural interventions, and subtly nuanced therapeutic applications. This medical system engages a precise conceptualization of ways to identify, recognize, and treat disease to restore health.

It is done by bringing balance through a dynamic equilibrium of 3 functional energy systems called nyespas.

Its practical potency resides in 2 aspects of the system:

  • cultivated expertise in the practices of its doctors through diagnostics and patient-specific pharmacology,

  • a sophisticated conceptualization of diagnosis, function, and treatment that links mind, behaviour, nutrition, pharmacology, and accessory therapies in relation to disease aetiology and treatment trajectories.


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The patient is examined by touch, observation, and investigative questioning. It gives the doctor a complete understanding of the pathology, aetiology, and its multidimensional approach to the successful treatment of imbalances of mental and bodily functions.

The following 3 fundamental diagnostic approaches (nyespas) are used, checking the pulse and urine.

There are numerous measures extending far beyond a simple pulse rate.

Unlike Western medicine which has relied increasingly on technological diagnostics and less on physical assessment, Tibetan medicine, by contrast, uses the physician’s proper assessment of the following criteria:

  • the patient's body constitution,

  • deep observational skills to uncover the underlying causes of the illness and distress,

  • the physician's own expertise in the thorough understanding and interpretation of pulse and urine analysis,

  • interrogation: about behaviour, mental states, social relations, diet, physical activity and other habits. they confirm the clinical discoveries based on the pulse and urine examination

  • the assessment of the patient's sensory organs and defects


There are three energetic systems (nyespas) examined by Tibetan medicine:

  • rLung (pronounced as long) - is connected with variant emotion, stress and tension, and neuroendocrine function,

  • mkhrispa with metabolic functions, blood and vascular processes, inflammation, some infections, and physiologic thermoregulation,

  • badkan with mucosal and membranous functions and muscular, fat, and osteopathic conditions.

When these three systems are in balance, they help build up and sustain all the physiological and neuropsychological functions of the body. But any imbalance manifests different kinds of diseases and pathological conditions.

Tibetan medicine


Tibetan medicine addresses both physical and mental health. Below, I will give you some details about the treatment. But first, let's learn what kinds of illness are addressed in particular:

Physical Health

Here are some pieces of evidence confirming the effectiveness of Tibetan medicine:

Traditional Tibetan medicine (TTM) has been used by Tibetan people for thousands of years, and many TTMs have been proven to be effective in the treatment of cancer.
Scientific studies report positive findings about Tibetan medicine as a holistic system. Researchers found that Tibetan medicine had beneficial effects on quality of life, sleep, disease regression, and remission in persons with cancer and blood disorders. - Taking Charge of Your Health and Wellbeing

Treatment in Tibetan medicine is tailored to a given individual and this therapy uses multiple modalities. They are chiefly based on herbal and mineral-based formulas of pills, powders, decoction, and pastes. In addition, the patient is advised on diet and lifestyle conditions, mental and spiritual inclinations, and social and environmental factors.

Among many other therapies, the treatment includes meridian massage, hot and cold fomentation, and medicinal baths, whereas the latter include:

  • Moxibustion - the application and burning of herbs on the skin in relation to various disease-related energy meridians,

  • Venesection - the application of small cutaneous punctures that “let” impure or diseased blood at specific disease meridians distinct from those of moxibustion. This 'impure' is the blood exhibiting defined characteristics of imbalances in the system that result in illness.

  • Cupping or vacuum therapies.

As Tibetan medicine includes body constitution and nyespas in diagnosis, cancer is treated according to these factors, in a more patient-oriented way.


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Mental Health

Tibetan medicine teaches practices to heal negative thinking that can poison your mind and life. These practices include mindfulness, lovingkindness, compassion, and ethical behaviour. - University of Minnesota

According to Tibetan medicine, negative emotions are caused by imbalances of energy in nyespas. Greed affects long, anger and hostility - tripa while delusion and confusion - baekan.

The nyespas can be also balanced by meditation. In the case of attachment - impermanence is applied, and anger can be pacified by compassion while delusion - is by wisdom. These three mental health disorders can also be healed by generosity and love, actions that relieve suffering in others and mindful awareness.

In the case of mental health disorders, Tibetan medicine offers wellness and relaxation therapies

"Tibetan medicine is far more advanced in the understanding of the nature of mind than Western medicine. In matters of understanding the physical functioning of the human body, Tibetan medicine …is less advanced than Western medicine. Without mixing the two approaches, and without saying one is better than the other, both schools should work together in order to find ways of understanding and thus boost the effectiveness of the two healing techniques." (Men-Tsee-Khang, 2017, back cover)

The government of Tibet does their best to promote Tibetan medicine all over the world, especially among ethnic groups in China. Also, Tibetologists from Tibet have travelled to European countries, including Spain. (source: Wikipedia).

Tibetan medicine

The 10 Kinds of Tibetan Exercises

You do not need to be a Tibetan medicine student or practitioner to start experiencing the benefits of this kind of healing. Try massage, similar to this in the case of Ayurveda. There are ten areas of your body to be treated by massage and other Tibetan exercises.

1. Earlobes Massage

After waking up, still staying in bed, make this intense massage; put your palms on your ears so that they cling to your head just above your ears. Squeeze your fingers and make thirty moves up and down so that your index fingers touch the earlobes. Focus on massage having your eyes closed throughout the exercise.

This exercise protects you from wrinkles on your face, strengthens your facial nerve, improves blood circulation around your temples and strengthens your teeth.

2. Forehead Massage

You have probably heard about the benefits of forehead massage during headaches. Today learn an exercise which will help you to cure this ailment.

Put your right palm on the forehead and your left palm on the right one. Move your right hand left and right 20 times so that your little finger is over your eyebrow. This exercise improves blood circulation in your head, eliminating headaches and dizziness.

3. Eye Massage

Tibetan medicine offers special exercises training eye muscles, so you can improve your eyesight. While doing these exercises, you smooth the lower and upper eyelids, as well as rotate the closed eyes with a light touch of the fingers on the eyeballs.

This massage protects from eye diseases and improves lymph circulation around the eyes.

4. Thyroid Gland Stimulation Exercises

Surround your neck at the level of your thyroid gland and massage 20 times. Stimulated thyroid gland improves metabolism and the work of internal organs.

There are four steps you use, according to Macha Doanil. Firstly, rub your palms well in order to heat them up. Later, gently place the palms on the thyroid gland and hold them there for around ten seconds. The next step is swallowing your saliva or - alternatively - drinking three sips of water. Later a breathing exercise is done:

Slowly exhale. As you exhale, bend your head forward and press your chin to your chest as hard as you can. Hold your chin a few seconds without breathing. When you begin to breathe, lift your chin up and throw your head back. Hold your head in this position for a while. Once you start exhaling, press your chin against your chest again.

The last but not least step is putting your chin is on your chest, slowly turning your head to the left and right without taking the chin off the chest. In this way, you perform an excellent massage on the thyroid. The ritual is repeated ten times.

5. Stomach Massage

Put your right hand on your stomach, and your left hand on your right and massage with circular movements clockwise 20 times in such a way that the belly moves from top to bottom; this is achieved by the appropriate position of the hand.

Physiological action: Blood circulation in the abdominal area improves, and the absorption of food and the work of the intestines increases.

6. Abdomen Massage

Lying on your back, pull your abdomen into your spine as much as possible, and then push it out 20 times each. This treatment should also be carried out 2-3 times during the day.

This kind of massage eliminates stagnation of bile blood is removed and lymph movement increases. For obese people, this treatment will help get rid of excess weight. Diseases of the liver and digestive tract are also treated.

7. Activating the Knee Joint

While lying on your back, bend suddenly first the right and then the left leg in the knee joint and pull it up vigorously to the breast, trying to simultaneously hit the buttock with your heel, and then abruptly straighten the leg and lower it. Perform the treatment with each leg 30 times.

Physiological action: massage is performed not only on the internal organs but also on the endocrine glands and the abdominal muscles are strengthened.

8. Feet Massage

Sitting on the bed, lower your legs to the floor. Put your left leg on the knee of your right and with your right hand massage the concave part of your left foot 20 times. Then massage the right foot the same.

Physiological action: The work of the heart is regulated, and joint diseases are treated (beneficial in rheumatic diseases and gout).

9. Neck Massage

Sitting, make a zipper from both hands, put it on the back of the neck l massage the neck 10 times with the head tilted back.

This kind of massage stimulates the bloodstream in the large blood vessels of the head, the movement of cerebrospinal fluid increases, and a beneficial effect on the condition of the breast and neck is exerted.

10. Ear and Neck Massage

While sitting, put your hands tightly to your ears and drum with the fingertips of both hands successively on the back of your neck.

It reduces tinnitus, treats headaches, stimulates the back of the cerebral cortex, and prevents deafness.

Tibetan Rituals and Meditation

You can combine Tibetan healing techniques with meditation. Connect with Higher beings while meditating and performing breathing exercises. You can also massage various parts of your body and Visualise affirmations concerning each of these parts. For example: 'I am healing my neck.' More information on how to meditate.


Further reading about health:


Let's meditate together

Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.

More about meditation

Credits to Taking Charge, and NCB.

In a Nutshell

Tibetan medicine has become more and more popular in the Western world. it can treat physical and mental health conditions. The methods address three nyespas: meditation, behaviour change (mental health), cupping, meridian massage, hot and cold fomentation, and medicinal baths. With lots of love and light,



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach who inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.

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