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Workaholism: 6 Proven Tools You Should Use Right Now

Workaholism is a serious problem, destroying relationships and personal harmony. Learn how to stop it for good.

Active brain during workaholism


You have probably heard it many times: "Don't work so much because your family and health will suffer." Today I will show you a bit different perspective of workaholism.


There are many reasons for being a workaholic. Doing so to be happy and fulfilled is probably the most common one. You will find many excuses to continue work instead of having some rest or spending quality time with your family.

I will ask you a question: Does workaholism bring you happiness and success or does it harm your health? You might answer by choosing the first option. But... let's examine the facts.

  • You want to be seen as smarter or more competent. Ironically, this often stems from a lack of self-confidence.

  • Holding the belief that self-worth is attached to work. This can come from many sources, such as a parent who instilled that hard work is the only thing that matters in life.

  • You need constant attention. Work addicts do get quite a bit of attention, especially from supervisors who may take advantage of having a workaholic on their teams.

  • Fear of losing money. Some work addicts come from families where poverty is common. Even if they are now comfortable and earning enough, they always feel like they could lose it all in an instant.

  • Being afraid of change. The workaholic knows how to do their job, but they may not be as accomplished elsewhere. Therefore, the work addict never changes gears or tries anything new.

  • Worrying of embarrassment. Many workaholics are perfectionists who never want to be seen as wrong. They worry they’ll make a mistake and embarrass themselves, so they work extra hard on everything they do.

  • Urge to avoid dealing with circumstances. Workaholics may have negative circumstances brewing at home. Rather than deal with emotions or problems, they simply work all the time. It’s a convenient excuse for not facing reality.

  • Loneliness and being afraid of solitude. The workaholic may see work as a companion or a substitute for human interactions. They may have no relationships, and so they may fear being alone in a house without knowing what to do.

  • Killing the void. The workaholic has just lost their kin and to alleviate the pain of bereavement, he/she plunges into work.

workaholism in ation

Who Is at Risk

Some groups of people are at higher risk of workaholism. also, some circumstances can induce excessive work. Let's check what to be wary of:

  • Being an addict in the past. You may even still be addicted to drugs, nicotine, alcohol, food or some other substance or behaviour.

  • Work is an automatic program in your head. It’s all you’re able to think about, even when you aren’t on the job.

  • Perfectionism. You want everything to be right, including the work of you and your colleagues. You often redo co-workers’ assignments to ensure they are perfect and up to your standards.

  • You like being known as a workaholic. This is a badge you wear proudly because you believe it sets you apart from everyone else.

  • You think in an all-or-nothing capacity. You believe if you do something, you must always do it to the max.

  • Your family are workaholics. Your mother and/or father always worked around the clock, and that’s where your comfort zone lies. You can’t imagine being home for your kids’ soccer tournaments or watching the evening news with your family.

  • Going through a difficult moment in life. Bereavement is hard and to kill the pain, you run into work. Also, menopause or midlife crisis can motivate you to work more to prove that you are still young, efficient and successful.

What Does Workaholism Look Like?

A typical workaholic works 12, 14 and more hours a day, brings more work home and cannot rest. Work is the only purpose of his or her life.

You cannot relax, enjoy life, go on holiday, only work, work, work. You need to have an accident, or become seriously ill, where the quick fix tablets do not work, to slow down.

Workaholism does not help your family, to pay your debts or to enjoy life. It satisfies your desire to have more and more, to flaunt your pseudo riches.

And finally - it deteriorates your soul plan in the next incarnation.

You can go on holiday but are unable to enjoy your free time, the beauty of nature, lovely food or just your relaxing time.

You do not notice your loving partner or children. And when you notice these symptoms, the time has come to make the change in your life.

You Are the Wonder And the Light On the Earth

Now, look at your life from a different perspective that you are a wonder in the Universe, with a special mission to fulfil on Earth.

However, it requires a wise energy investment. This means that you need to be wary of using your energy for creating light, in your life, on the Earth and in the Universe.

You cannot do it by being a workaholic or by overeating which I will discuss in my next post. Now ask yourself these two questions:

  • How do you treat your body, the lighthouse for the light you are shining around?

  • Are you shining with the light?

The Consequences of Workaholism

The truth is that your body shows you the consequences of workaholism. They may include back pain, muscle pain, headache, annoyance, permanent thinking ahead, problems with your sinus, digestive system, skin and thyroid gland diseases, tired eyes, and losing your sight.

Moreover, your throat, teeth and gums deteriorate, and you start having stomach ulcers and liver problems because of constant aggression and tension.

Beware of the first symptoms and slow down because you might not have time later, and end with a stroke or a heart attack. I'm not threatening. it is a standard now. Now more and more people are laid off and need to learn how to rest.

But being a workaholic, they are not able to.

Learn more on how to work with your mind - the article continues below:

The Truth About Work from Your Soul's Perspective

Starting to grow spiritually, you notice that everything is in perfect harmony: work, family life, health and rest. All these areas of your life are equal.

However, equality is not a buzzword on the Earth yet, we like to be better than our neighbours. Religion, science, education, and politics teach you that from the youngest.

Workaholism shows you pseudo harmony: if I work more, I will have more. However, if I lose my health, I will have nothing.

The truth is that only having harmony between your work, rest, and love life will give you health and happiness in all dimensions: body, heart, mind and soul.

workaholism quote

How To End Workaholism

It is not an easy process. You need to face workaholism like any addiction.

However, being addicted to work requires some more steps to take to be workaholism-free.

Firstly, and foremost, apologise to your body, mind and soul for treating them in an unkind way, forcing you to do too much for yourself. Decide to start a new life right now. When your body says "Enough", never take a wonderful quick-fix tablet, but listen to the warning and slow down.

Secondly, commit to rest regularly, turning off your computer and phone. Learn how to enjoy every single moment of your free time: nature, nurturing relationships with people, and doing what you love doing.

What else can you do? Here is a list of ideas:

1. Engage in therapy

You can use one-on-one therapy, group therapy or a combination of the two. They will help workaholics get to the heart of why they feel so compelled to work long hours despite the negative effects.

Meeting with a counsellor may occur on a daily or almost daily basis for the initial phase of work addiction treatment. He/she will be your mentor.

2. Find Support

Like alcoholics, workaholics may find comfort in going to regular group meetings with people who are also struggling with work addiction. If finding a meeting location in your region is difficult, check work addict therapy groups online.

One caveat to remember: Don’t start sharing war stories or techniques. This can lead to relapse. Also, do not forget about your family and friends (of course, those who are not workaholics).

3. Set boundaries

It’s important to have clear boundaries between home and the office. A workaholic may not naturally be able to set them, so treatment can help achieve this goal. The boundary might be literal or figurative.

4. Plan the day

One of the problems work addicts have is they cannot think beyond the job. In therapy, many learn to plan their days. This includes adding time for family interests, going to the gym, shopping, reading, watching television, cooking, etc. Having a plan that’s simple to follow can lead to better choices when it comes to handling workaholism tendencies.

5. Manage your work wisely

Firstly, workaholics have trouble delegating any kind of work to their coworkers. However, by forcing themselves to start doing so, they can find incredible freedom from their work addiction. This can be very challenging at first, but it is usually a good start toward freedom from workaholism.

Secondly, workaholics tend to live in a race against the clock, but they can use the clock to their advantage when in treatment. By stopping work at the same time each day (and starting at the same time), they have a finite amount of hours in which to get their work done.

And lastly, work addicts may have to begin saying no to supervisors who are accustomed to giving them copious amounts of work. This can lead to friction, but it is necessary for the long-term health of the work addict.

6. Start a Journal

When in therapy, the workaholic will likely be given directives to write down their feelings and work addiction triggers. By doing so, it will be possible to see patterns that have developed over time. For example, a trigger for workaholism may be seeing the mortgage bill each month. A way to make this less impactful is to have someone else pay the bills.

Recommended reading:

What Happens When You Change Your Life

When you stop being a workaholic and implement harmony at work, all other areas of life become more harmonious: your love life, health and rest. It is a better option than wasting your energy and destroying your health.

Suddenly you notice that there is no stress, aggression or annoyance at work, there is no rat race. Everything is going so well that you cannot imagine it.

When you begin to respect your planet, the world, the people around you, and your family, the Universe returns you not only harmony but also more money, a better relationship with your next of kin and your health improvement.

Understand, as a workaholic, that you may now have the time to work on your health, to heal your destroyed spine, digestive or nervous system. You may have been given the time to enjoy your health, family, and vacation. The question is

Will you make the most of this chance or will you rather go straight to ending this life by a sudden stroke, heart attack or accident?

The choice is yours and only you can make the decision: creation or destruction.


Meditation can help you to detach from work and calm down the thoughts which accelerate workaholism. You can meditate before going to bed and even while having a bath.

Let's meditate together

Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.

More about meditation

In A Nutshell

Today I have presented you with the problem of workaholism from your soul's perspective. You can either create happiness and harmony in your life or waste your precious energy and destroy your health, eventually leaving this planet much earlier than you could. The choice is yours. With lots of love and light,



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach who inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.‍

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