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Test If You Are an Empath


Some people are sensitive and struggle with energy detachment. Watch out, you might be an empath. Read the article below and test yourself.

Empaths sense energy very well in the park

What Does an Empath Mean

According to the dictionary, an empath is "someone showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another being.". So if you can tune in with your other half's and friend's emotions, to understand your dog or cat, you are an empath.

19 Signs Showing That You Are an Empath

Ok, but what does it mean in particular? You have probably heard a lot of various opinions about empaths and are not sure which are correct. Below I will describe to you the first ten features of empaths:

1. You Are Energy Sensitive

In general, you are sensitive to any kind of energy and emotions of people, plants, animals and other beings. This extreme sensitivity concerns your friends and foes, the people you know and those you do not know.

As an empath, you have also sharper senses and better intuition than most of mankind.

2. You Understand Other Beings' Feelings and Experiences

Empaths are distinguished by the bigger easiness with which they can connect with the feelings of other beings. People usually feel empathy when others signal it by, e.g., their looks.

However, you do not need to rely on the physical senses of sight, hearing, and touch, as you can feel and absorb people's and other beings' emotions whenever they are near or far.

3. You Are Uncomfortable and Exhausted At Crowded Places

Empaths do not like shopping centres, crowded city centres or public transport because these places are filled up with thousands of different kinds of energies, often negative, including mind control.

Therefore, you feel all that energetic cocktail as your own, which overwhelms and lowers your vibrations. Apart from shopping centres or crowded streets and places, empaths also dislike:

  • hospitals

  • care houses

  • second-hand clothes, cars

  • houses with the remaining energy of previous owners/tenants

4. You are a Voracious Explorer

Empaths like swallowing hundreds of information to find a solution to a given problem, knowing that the solution always exists.

Hence, you are frustrated until you find it, often asking God, and the Universe for help and using all the universal laws and spiritual tools (e.g. magic) to solve the problem.

5. You Are Interested In Metaphysics

Empaths can find themselves in many paranormal states and include them in the physical experience. These states include:

  • near-death experience,

  • out-of-body experience,

  • contact with the dead being,

  • specific psychic skills.

All these states are usually considered as not normal and you are often regarded as mentally ill. But you as an empath, know that paranormal experiences are something normal in the Universe.

6. You Can Heal Others

Many empaths work healing other beings, not only people, especially holistically. You also work with energies, cleansing auras and removing negative entities and thought forms.

To be able to do it properly, empaths must learn to separate their energy from one of the other beings. Otherwise, your peace and harmony will create disharmony because other beings may have negative energy.

Recommended reading: How to Practise Self-Healing

7. You Do Not Use Violence or Aggression

Empaths are usually non-aggressive and do not use violence, so you are a person who likes a peaceful and harmonious environment. Disharmony brings discomfort so empaths do all that is possible to avoid it. You often become a mediator in the case of conflict and act to solve the problem as soon as possible.

8. You Are Painfully Sensitive to Violence, Cruelty and Tragedy

It may concern the real form and the one presented in movies. It becomes unbearable for you to watch a tragedy in a film or read about something cruel, connected with physical or emotional suffering.

When people, children or animals suffer, you also suffer because identify with it.

9. You Have Deep Contact With Animals

Empaths have a very deep contact with animals of all species, resonating with these animals' energy, like their purity and appreciating their unconditional love. You often prefer animals the people's company and you usually own an animal.

Many empaths often become vegetarians or vegans because they cannot accept the cruelty done to animals during slaughter. As an empath you have a clear understanding of animals' suffering and fear, not understanding why so beautiful animals have not got the same rights as human beings and they have to die.

10. You Are a Genuine Carer

As empaths feel so deeply and have a tendency to care for other beings, you often work in volunteering and are passionately committed to your job, giving your time to animals, children and others in need.

Empaths are excellent listeners, genuinely interested in happiness and rights for others.

11. You Feel Without Speaking

You can notice the schemes of other people because of your natural ability to sense them. This precious ability causes others to have difficulty to deceiving you or hiding their intentions.

You just know the feelings and intentions of other people, even if they have been met only once. You are also fluent at reading body language and noticing subtle changes in speaking, which can be missed by other people.

12. You Demand To Tell the Truth By Yourself And Others

Empath demands sincerity from themselves and others. You can feel very uncomfortable when you notice that someone cheats on you, manipulates you or acts in a double-faced way.

Because of this discomfort, empaths do not accept and tolerate the attitudes and traits mentioned above. It concerns other people and the empaths themselves. You can be very tolerant, but not in the case of unnecessary drama, selfish behaviour, or narcissism.

You also do not tolerate negativity in other people, especially judging others and jealousy. These attitudes instantly drain the empaths' energy.

Explore More on Awaken Happy Life

13. You Cannot Deceive Yourself

Empaths can neither deceive themselves nor be able to pretend that they are happy in the case when something does not bring enjoyment. It can concern social activity and work.

Your work must give you the feeling of purpose, otherwise, you will suffer emotionally, physically and spiritually. Many empaths' works include creative areas of life, such as dancing, music, writing, painting, and arts.

These fields empower the empaths' souls and have a big significance for their well-being.

14. You Cannot Pretend Happiness

Empaths cannot pretend that they are happy while not being so and that worry can flood them at any time. You are being bombed by overwhelming energies - negative and positive ones all the time so that your mood can swing significantly.

You can be very happy at one time and suddenly blue a moment later. An empath can be the soul of the party for a while and later quiet and withdrawn.

When empaths are unhappy, they cannot hide it, even if they are trying. Your suffering is painted on your face.

15. Limits Make You Unhappy

There is one thing that makes empaths unhappy: their limits. You love freedom and must have freedom of movement and expression. Empaths feel imprisoned by control, routine, too strict rules or by the rules in which these people do not believe.

You have a big urge to experience the full pulse of life - adventures and courage. By having various life experiences empaths know concerning a wide range of topics.

Hence they may feel like sages but are usually humble about their achievements unless asked by someone. You feel more comfortable talking about other people's achievements.

16. You Are Warm And Compassionate

Empaths release a deep level of inner warmth and compassion which attracts people to them. Strangers sense it from afar on the level of their subconscious mind, confessing to you, often about private issues.

Before they realise it, these people pour their hearts on you. The same applies to animals who are tamed and bound very quickly.

17. You Are Deeply Connected to the Same-Minded People

Your deepest connections with others on the deepest level are with these people who are similar, who understand you and who are open, expressive, and frank.

An empath can form long-lasting friendships, often for a lifetime. In the case of relationships with less-same-minded people, there will be always something missing, even if they get on well.

18. It Is Hard for You to Focus On Non-Stimulative Things

Empaths have difficulty being focused on the things which do not stimulate their minds. You are a dreamer who is easily bored and distracted. Without stimulation, your mind will move to another place, or you can even become absent-minded., miles away from reality.

19. Your Life Is Marked with Duality

Physically empaths are living in a dense, dark world, filled with negativity and low vibrations, known as the Earth.

However, you are mentally living in a world full of light and an optimistic spirit, pure energy, and high vibrations. It is hard for you to become grounded because you understand the freedom of the alternative world while having to remain on Earth to fulfil your mission for this incarnation.

In A Nutshell

Today you have learnt 19 traits of an empath. To mention a few: empathic people have good contact with animals, dislike crowded places, encumbrance and violence, have parapsychic abilities and are honest. They are great carers and also have good contact with animals, they can sense other peoples' emotions., connecting with same-minded individuals. If you are an empath, be strong and make the most of your traits to enlighten other beings and grow your happiness. Good luck. With love and light,



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach who inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


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