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How You Can Protect from Negative Entities

Every now and then people become aware of the negative forces and energies of some beings. But it is hard to recognise them. Learn how to identify negative entities and eliminate their influence on your aura.

Negative entities can be deterred by sea breeze


Every now and then people become aware of the negative forces and energies of some beings. But it is hard to recognise them. Learn how to identify negative entities and eliminate their influence on your aura.

The Kinds of Entities

I have to warn you. This part of today's article can be controversial and understandable only with open minds. If you are not ready, stop reading here and check other posts or categories.

Positive Beings and Entities

The Earth is inhabited by various kinds of entities and beings. They can be classified as positive ones (i.e., living in the Light) and negative ones (i.e., under the influence of the Darkness).

Among the positive beings, you can distinguish angels, all the prominent beings (e.g., Jesus, Buddha, Mary) guardians of our planet and your personal guardians, plus civilisations like the Dragons, the Dolphins, the Elves, the Dagons some of the Grey Beings. Read more here.

The positive entities and beings respect your aura and personal space, warn you about spiritual, mental and physical dangers, and help you to grow and follow the pathway of the Light.

Negative Entities and Beings

However, there are also negative entities and beings on Earth. And I do not mean demons only.

They do not respect your boundaries and their goal is either to destroy you or to make you their slave who will create negative energy through fear, anger and any other negative emotions, thoughts, words, and deeds.

Examples: stray souls, negative thought forms, and all the negative civilisations. I would rather avoid giving their names because although they do create negativity, we can learn something from them, too (e.g., how to transform negativity into light).

Negative entities and beings, by hooking up to your aura, bring many negative consequences. They send you misfortune and encourage you to follow low vibrations.

How Negative Entities And Beings Hook Up

A negative entity can hook up to any living being. The higher the being's vibrations, the fiercer the attempts to hook up with negative beings and entities.

Energy is the main transmitter, and it all starts from thoughts (i.e. allowing the negative ones). Then you can start speaking in a negative way and eventually, do something evil.

Negative entities will be trying to hook up all the time, just waiting for leakage, a hole in your aura, in any of the five fields: the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and ethereal ones.

There are some cases when you are very vulnerable to being hooked up by a negative entity. Let me list some of them:

  • lack of acceptance in childhood and all the traumas,

  • spending your time in mind-controlling places, e.g., shopping centres,

  • astral journeys, when you have not asked your guardian for protection or entered black portals carelessly,

  • negative people around, especially someone from your family or work (energetic vampires).

Hooked-up entities do not care about your boundaries, they suck all that is the best from a given being.

These entities are the destructive ones, having the darkest energy. Other beings are just parasites, not destroying totally, but acting by your ego and emotions, sending their negative, intrusive thoughts.

Most people are not aware of the presence of a negative entity. because it can be very insidious and hard to be identified by an average person.

You might feel neither their physical presence of them nor recognise them by your senses but these entities are hooked up.

Related article:

How Negative Entities Prey on You

There are some ways, belonging to different categories, in which negative entities prey on you.

They Attack Your Emotional Subtle Body

In the shortest, they affect your emotions. You may be prone to sudden anger surges, panic and anxiety attacks or depression, sadness, and helplessness. Sometimes they may also feel worthless, shameful, and guilty.

Further reading about emotions:

1. They Attack Your Mental Subtle Body

You can experience nightmares, obsessive thoughts leading to OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), paranoia or even schizophrenia. All mental health disorders are the results of negative entities. You can also install too strong inner critic, become forgetful, flabbergasted, or suffer low concentration.

Further reading about thoughts and mind:

2. Negative Entities Attack Your Physical Subtle Body

A negative entity may cause chronic fatigue, sudden exhaustion, back pain, or a headache. You might feel tingles, a kind of creeping or crawling, even if there are no insects nearby. Your skin may have bruises or scars without any real reason.

Further reading about aura:

3. Psychological Techniques

You may feel being observed and even touched from time to time. You can even see a given being, clearly or just an outline.

By traditional psychiatry, it is a delusion, but the real reason is somewhere else. Psychological hook-up is present when you are the victim of emotional blackmail, manipulation with guilt or destructive criticism.

4. Environmental Attacks

You might smell something unpleasant, but hard to be identified. Animals (e.g. dogs) can treat you differently (e.g. run away, become angry).

You might feel cold and tired around electronic equipment or in some places of the town/city (i.e., shopping centres.) In the case of clutter in your space, these symptoms can be amplified.

5. Negative Entities Attack During Life Tests

You are feeling blocked, face misfortune, and bad luck, and always face challenges and obstacles. If you become ill physically, your recovery is long and slow or treatment is unsuccessful.

A Word of Caution Before Working with Entities

It is important to remember that not all the symptoms described above indicate clearly that one negative entity or more has hooked up to your aura.

Therefore, don't panic. You might just have a worse day or get a cold because of not drying your hair properly and going out.

However, if any of these symptoms last longer and the situation does not improve, suspect a hook-up, and be tormented by a negative entity.

My next article will give you some efficient tools for removing hook-ups and the impact of negative entities and beings. Stay tuned to my website and in some days’ time, you will be able to solve the problem of hook-ups.

On the other hand, your light within is always stronger than the power of any negative entity. So as a start, you can say:


How To Protect from Negative Entities

Here is a list of articles on my blog giving you exact tips on how to eliminate the negative influence of some beings. Use the tips described in these articles to enjoy a happy holistic life and healthy aura.

1. Master Your Energy Investment

‍How do you manage your energy? What do you use it for? Negative thoughts, language or evil are the gateways to the beings of darkness. On the other hand, keeping high vibrations, positive thinking, words and a decent lifestyle will deter any negative entity.

Related articles:

2. Cope with Mental Challenges

Mental hygiene is a must in the case of negative entities, to keep them at bay. Otherwise, they will attack. It simply means eliminating any negative thought that comes to your mind. Many of these thoughts are entities’ messages sent directly to your subconscious mind.

Further reading on mastering your mind:

3. Meditate

It is not easy to deter negative entities as they constantly attack your biofield in life. Meditation will help you cleanse negative energy that paralyses your spiritual growth, plus God and the beings of Light will empower you with their energy.

It is also crucial to recharge your batteries after each life test, especially when you have failed. Important: always ask your guardians for protection before meditating.

Let's meditate together:

Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.

More about meditation

In a Nutshell

Today you have learnt about how to recognise negative entities and how they prey on your subtleties. They usually hook up when you are vulnerable and have low vibrations. You can be affected physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically and environmentally. With lots of love and light,



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach that inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.

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