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6 Critical Rules to Use Affirmations to Get What You Want

A powerful affirmation can change your life. Today I will present you with some core rules for creating a strong affirmation.

affirmations can be uttered on the cliff


Why Is Using Affirmations Challenging?

How many times have you tried to create an affirmation and it has not worked in the long run? Apart from a lack of motivation and faith that it will work, your affirmation might have had the wrong structure that did not resonate with your soul.

Also, affirmations that are not following your goals and core beliefs are failures and should never be practised. aim at something that will be a part of you, but positive and transforming. Plus, your inner critic and traumatic thoughts may easily sabotage any affirmation.


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How To Create a Powerful Affirmation?

Now, let's look at the affirmation itself. Let's assume that you are motivated, and the affirmation resonates with your beliefs, goals, and life values. You practise it eagerly and regularly. But there are still no effects seen in your life. What to do then?

1. The Affirmation Should be Positive

According to the Law of Attraction, the same frequencies attract similar ones. Therefore, you cannot expect positive changes in your life if your affirmation is negative. Here are some categories of negative affirmations and how to change them:


• I am not poor.

• My life is neither difficult nor boring

• I have no problem with smoking.

Corrected form:

• I am abundant, and my wealth is constantly growing.

• My life is full of miracles, and I eagerly learn each lesson given by the Universe.

• I am smoking-free, enjoying healthy lungs and a toxin-free body.

Negative words

• Every day in every way I am less and less fat.

• My cancer is improving constantly.

• I get rid of my weaknesses.

Corrected form:

• My weight is improving every day

• I overcome my health challenges more and more efficiently.

• I improve my strengths.

Words that imply loss

• Every day in every way I lose more and more weight.

• I quit smoking effortlessly.

• I stop thinking negative thoughts.

Better choices:

• Every day in every way my body is getting better and better shape.

• I enjoy a smoking-free life.

• My mind is filled with uplifting thoughts about...

Wishes and Wants

• I want to lose weight.

• I would like to lose 20 kg

• My body needs detox, and I will start it tomorrow.

Better Choices

• My weight is improving every day.

• I am confident with my new, lower weight.

• I take care of my body keeping it clean.

Recommended reading:

2. Personalise Your Affirmation

Start them with “I” or "MY..." because they imply personal statements. The bolded examples above can give you an idea of how to create a powerful affirmation.

Affirming what others will do, be or have been a waste of time as you can only change yourself.

Even if you have the best of intentions, your idea of what is right for another person may not be what they want or need. The only beliefs, thoughts, and language that you can change are your own.

However, sometimes your inner critic may sabotage your choices. You may not believe in the affirmation just created. What to do then?

If you fear high resistance writing and saying an affirmation starting with “I,” use the third person. But remember to personalise the rest of the statement (with "my..."). For example:

• My best friend considers me a confident and strong person.

• People see me as wealthy and abundant.

• People consider my skills (mention what in particular) as interesting and valuable.

3. Affirm in the Present

By doing so you already experience the benefits of what the affirmation means. Affirming in the present does not only concern the affirmation itself but also your state of mind.

Visualise the present moment while affirming. Here are some examples of present-oriented affirmations:

• I am so rich now that ...

• My body is so clean that ...

• I am feeling so positive that ...


Learn how to live in the present - the article continues below:


Cleanse your aura under a waterfall

4. Affirmations Must be Precise

In the beginning, when you start changing and in the case of core beliefs, general affirmations work better. However, as you grow, start to create more powerful affirmations – more precise and relevant to you.

Describe your desire in detail and the more accurately you can describe it, the better. Add as much detail as possible.

You can add all the benefits that attaining your goal would bring. Your subconscious mind needs a clear picture to work on. However, do not make your affirmation too long. Examples:

• I create a safe and secure space for myself wherever I am.

• I give myself space to grow and learn (specify what in particular)

• My mind is full of brilliant ideas about .... (specify).

5. Use Comparatives Wisely

Words such as ‘more’, ‘better’, ‘greater’ or ‘best’ should only be used if they precede more detail. When you use comparative words, the subconscious mind is forced to compare what you want with what you don’t want.

Therefore, you end up putting as much energy behind the negative as the positive.

However, the smart use of comparative words is useful, and you can benefit from it a lot. Check these examples:

• Every day in every way I am more and more self-confident.

• I create more and more abundant life by the regular investment of my surplus money.

• My relationships become more and more fruitful through the love and care I cultivate every day.

6. Avoid Discomfort

It will create ambiguous results and if you are affirming a larger salary, would you be happy with an increase of 1%?

Be precise and declare the best outcome that you feel comfortable with but make your affirmations realistic. Choosing precise but too grandiose affirmations will not work when there is little hope for promotion, or your business is not growing fast now.

Hence, always check how you resonate with a given affirmation when giving figures like weight or financial abundance.

7. Amplify your Affirmations

Not long ago I wrote an article about words having high vibrations. Use some of them to make your affirmation more powerful. You can use humour, too. Here are some examples:

• I feel energised thinking about my new job.

• I am gifted enough to help other people be happy.

• I am over the moon seeing my funds growing in my bank accounts.

• My friends are brilliant and always support me.

• I feel unstoppable working on my weight loss goal.


Further reading about affirmations:


In a Nutshell

Today you have discovered new secrets of affirmations, and what to do to make them more workable. Remember about positive statements, personalise your affirmation, amplify with bombastic words, make it precise and avoid comparison. Good luck with creating powerful affirmations. Lots of love and light.



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach who inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

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