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How to Communicate with the Universe - Follow These 10 Simple Ways

Have you ever tried to communicate with the Universe in a more conscious way than people normally do? Or maybe you have no idea where to start from. Learn today how to communicate with the Universe and create a happy life.

Look at the sky to chat with the Universe



You can send millions of messages to the Universe and the effect will be mediocre. Why? Because there was no intention, energy or spark to ignite the candlewick. Hence, no affirmations, meditation, Law of Attraction or visualisation will work.

What Does Intention Truly Mean?

According to Wikipedia, intention "is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. Intention involves mental activities such as planning and forethought."

Intention can work in two ways: at the level of the head and heart. In the first case, the intention is a goal that you are striving for. The second track describes your eagerness to achieve this goal.

Everything in the Universe Starts from the Intention

You may not be aware of this fact but it is the truth. Walking, moving your limbs, and breathing are normally unconscious activities. However, you can also perform these activities consciously, e.g. practising mindfulness.

The intention is not only a spark but also a seed, the creative power helping you to satisfy all your needs, financial, emotional, mental or spiritual. And because the intention is like a seed planted in the soil of your mind and heart, it needs to be nourished.

Intentions can be positive and negative. The second one can be known as hexes and maledictions, aiming at doing harm, while good intentions are driven by love and gratitude. And I only mean the positive intentions in this article.

Intention cannot be constrained. So when you do start applying them to your goals, never censor them. The Universe will know the best when and how to give you what you want.

Then you allow your seed to sprout, grow and bloom. However, censoring your intention means constantly digging out the seed, checking what has changed and then topsoil it again. Then your intention will have no chance to grow.

How to Communicate with the Universe

Below, I will present you with 10 necessary steps to make your intention work. Follow them step-by-step in the order described below.

1. Prepare

Before you create and send your intention as a letter to the Universe, some conditions have to be met:

  • Be 100% sure that you want that.

  • Be patient when the process is underway.

  • Keep high vibrations if you want to create positive things.

  • Watch your thoughts and beliefs

2. Explain the Universe What You Want

Firstly, believe that the Universe supports you with everything. However, be very specific, and clear in creating your intention. No hidden agenda is allowed.


Take your diary or journal ( I assume that you have one - the paper or digital one) and write down all that you want. Then think about why you want these items and if you are ready to face the consequences of your intention. Write them down too. You can also ask questions to the Universe.

how to communicate to the Universe

3. Achieve Total Clarity

You might wonder how clear your decision should be. The answer is simple: use all your senses: touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell. The more senses you activate, the clearer your intention will be.

Try This

Take one intention that you have written in the previous step. Let's say it will be your soulmate so that you can learn how to love. Go to the place where you feel relaxed and happy. Then visualise this person and involve all your senses. Do this exercise every day for a week and see what happens.

4. Change Your Beliefs While Talking to the Universe

It may be difficult to communicate with the Universe when your beliefs sabotage your efforts.

For example, you might ask for a loving partner but deep down think that you do not deserve love or are not good enough to find someone nice. Some toxic beliefs are universal. Let me give you some examples:

  • I am not worthy of ...

  • It's impossible to.../ for me to...

  • I can't ...

  • I should be good enough to...

  • Other people are more important than my happiness.

Do This Exercise

Take your diary and think of something you want in your life. Then write down any thoughts that sabotage it. These are your beliefs. Having them on paper, demolish these beliefs using some techniques described in the article:

5. Let Your Intention Go

Having disarmed any negative beliefs, clarify your intention again and let it go. Do not control it with your mind, trying to find out the ways of implementation. Your intention might be a goal but now you are talking to the Universe like to your friend.

Your message will reach him/her and you do not check the connection every minute to be sure that his/her mail works appropriately. Instead of constant control, be sure that your intention will be heard and become your reality.

6. Charge Your Batteries

I mentioned that your mind had to be negativity-free. But sometimes you may need to clear thought forms or remove energetic hooks to send intentions properly. In other words, strengthen your aura and recharge it with positive energy. Here are some ideas which you can use:

  • walking

  • tai chi

  • meditation

  • clearing the clutter

  • staying in the sunshine

Read more about working with energies:

7. Be Ready For the Answer From the Universe

Make some space for the new to come. It simply means clearing the clutter in your life, not only the mental one (i.e. aforementioned in the previous step) but also emotional, physical and digital. Leave more space for a new partner, or job (e.h. tidy your papers and computer).

Check energy leaks in your life and stop them. And become vigilant for the answers. They might come in your dreams, as unexpected opportunities and new, incidentally met people appearing in your life - more ways of finding answers are below in this article. Last, but not least, try to use meditation to find some clues.

Read more about energy leaks: How to Fix 5 Worst Energy Leaks in Life

Mother Earth and the Universe

8. Live According to Your Intention

It is not enough just to change your thinking and clear the clutter. You need to mirror your intention, i.e. behaving in the way you have already got what you want.

For example, if you yearn for a new partner who will love you, be loving and caring to your family, friends, co-workers and any being met on your way. But do not forget about yourself, too. Self-love is a must to cooperate with the Universe.

On the other hand, swearing, doing evil deeds to others and lack of self-love (e.g. listening to your inner critic) will not help you to attract someone filled with love. More about keeping high vibrations below.

9. Stop Counting Down and Planning

We set goals and then deadlines, which is important. However, sending intentions to the Universe is a different thing because it is not a goal itself but the way this goal will be achieved.

Hence, give the Universe time to work. Monitor your progress toward goals, but do not stiffly stick to deadlines... let it go.

10. Keep High Vibrations

To be tuned up with positive things in your life, take care of your vibrations. Some of the aforementioned steps have already given you some ideas of how to do it. Let me remind the most important ones:

  • Clear your mind from negative thoughts.

  • Disarm auto-sabotage.

  • Avoid evil deeds and self-destruction

  • Clear the clutter (some objects can also poison you with low vibrations).

  • Strengthen Your Aura

  • Practise gratitude

  • Patch energy leaks in your life.

Why are high vibrations so important? Because frequency is the currency that the Universe uses to give you what is needed. If your vibrations are too low for, e.g. a loving partner, he/she will not appear in your lie because you are simply not ready.

Hence, start with small things ask the Universe for help, and then climb up with your expectations. For example, before finding the love of your life, improve relationships with your parents and siblings.

How Can You Receive An Answer from the Universe?

It is not as obvious as during a conversation with your friend. However, some clues show what the Universe is talking about and if you are going in the right/wrong direction:

  • Dreams - how many of them were good/bad omens?

  • Recurring experiences - the same abusive partners or toxic jobs

  • Patterns of numbers - 111, 222, 333

  • Animals

  • Losing/Finding/Breaking objects

  • Recurring words or phrases - both positive and negative

  • The pain of illness - usually indicates that your intention is wrong

  • Song/Music? Lyrics - why have you chosen that son from thousands of others?

  • The weather - it can be a cynosure of your direction (even rain has positive sides).

  • Emotions that are out of place, e.g. irrational anger or euphoria.

  • Unexpected meetings/phone calls

  • Unusual new words

  • Smells

  • Gut feelings


Meditation is an excellent way to both ask the Universe for help and find answers to your calls. Try to find ten minutes and connect your body, mind and soul.

The articles below will help you to understand what I mean by meditation and how to practise it correctly. Please read them carefully.

Let's Meditate Together

Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.

Learn more about meditation:

In a Nutshell

Today I have presented you with nine steps of how to talk to the Universe. It would help if you prepared clear intentions, cleared your mind of negativity, lived according to your dream, let it go and be alert for the answer. Good luck with making your dreams come true and living with higher and higher vibrations.


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Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach who inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.‍

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