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Do You Lack Inner Strength? Use These 7 Proven Tools

How strong are you while dealing with people and your personal challenges? Your inner strength might be weak. Learn how to increase it.

have the inner strength like the 100-years old trees


What Is Inner Strength?

It is the ability to cope with the stressful situations that life throws at you. Building inner strength begins with simple actions or thoughts that your child practices, such as planning for what to do next and learning to accept change.

There are also other important ways of creating your inner strength which I will describe later in this post.

A Word of Caution

Before you even think of increasing your inner strength, be aware that you need to do it in a wise way. If you don't, failure is more than probable. I will give you four essential rules which will help you to achieve success i.e., become a stronger person.

1. Build Your Inner Strength Gradually

Working with baby steps is essential to increase your inner strength. You probably know that Rome has not been built within one day. So don't expect spectacular results within a day or even a week. Give yourself time to practise and develop new levels of strength, like doing exercises.

2. Think Positive

There will be obstacles and sometimes falls during your journey of developing inner strength. Be persistent and compassionate. Ups and downs are normal and no master has achieved his or her greatness without falling at least once.

3. Remain Calm and Patient

We all tend to run in a panic in case of obstacles or pitfalls. Moreover, you might want to increase your inner strength as soon as possible, preferably at once. But you know what? Putting pressure on yourself only deteriorates the process. Instead of seeking a quick fix or the magic inner strength pill, develop patience in yourself.

4. Take Time to Focus On Your Inner Strength

You will be more efficient with making changes in your life which will fruit in bigger inner strength if you take some time to focus on the actions you take. When you focus on your strength and how it grows, you speed up the process. Every day, while working on your inner strength, pay attention to the progress you make.

7 Ways to Develop Inner Strength

You do not use all the ways at once. It is even recommended to start with one which may be the easiest for you. As I wrote above - take baby steps and be confident about your growth.

1. Stay Active, Sleep Well and Have Fun

These three things are necessary in order to start working with your inner strength. Good sleep gives you the boost necessary to perform well during the day. When you stay active, your physical and mental muscles work and therefore, stay healthy.

However, remember to have some fun while living your life. Being overloaded with work will not help you to maintain inner strength and will devastate your productivity in the long run.

2. Start Using Positive Language

We usually act like average people, and language reflects this tendency. For example, when someone asks you "How are you?", the answer would be "I'm okay."

The same happens when you evaluate your or other people's performance. "It's good." Really? What if you said instead: "It's excellent?". Or that you are grand, fantastic? You can find more examples of using empowering language here.

3. Transform the Negative Language into the Uplifting One

How many times per day do you swear? How many times do you say "I'm stupid/an idiot" to yourself when you make a mistake? What about the language of helplessness, like "I can't do it"? Every time you practise any of these language patterns, you disempower yourself.

Instead, use uplifting phrases like "I can do it" or "I'm a unique person and have the right to make mistakes. Check my book for more examples.

Use Meditation

Meditating helps you connect with the Universe and transform your weaknesses into inner strengths. Try it today.

Let's Meditate Together

Connect remotely during joint meditation on Saturdays at 10 am and 8 pm GMT +1 (IST). I will meditate with you and other people then use telepathy. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world. Check and join upcoming meditations.

Learn more about meditation:

4. Contribute

Giving other people your time and resources boosts your self-esteem as we all want to be needed. Think for a while.

· What are your talents?

· What thing can you do well so that you could help others?

· What could you do with your time to contribute?

Make a list of all the ways in which you can help the lives of other people. Maybe someone wants you to listen to them, to give them some advice or help because of their poor skills.

5. Start Thinking Positive Thoughts

Your mind is like a garden and your thoughts are the seeds. Because you face the environment, some seeds may bring negativity. If you do not eliminate them in advance, they will grow into nasty weeds.

Moreover, these weeds will cause an infection of negative thoughts. Each negative thought, especially when you are fully aware of it, destroys your peace of mind. Take a challenge and since today start thinking only positive thoughts - no catastrophising, worrying, blaming, complaining or inner criticism.

6. Develop Compelling Beliefs

Do you believe that you are unique, you deserve love, happiness, wealth, and respect. What is your attitude towards having large amounts of money - do you feel guilty or give yourself permission to enjoy wealth?

If you are not sure how to work with your beliefs, check my articles, e.g., this. You can also learn all the processes of transforming your beliefs from my book "Awaken Mega Happiness."

7. Meet Empowering People and Avoid the Toxic Ones

I have written many articles about toxic people. Even if you are strong, they will disempower you. Therefore, to refuel your inner strength, you need to stay around like-minded people, who empower you and motivate you to grow.

Toastmasters International provides many opportunities to develop leadership and public skills. You can also start a Master Mind group.

In A Nutshell

Today you have learnt the 7 ways how to increase your inner strength. They mainly include thinking positively, using uplifting language, contributing (i.e. giving) staying active and developing positive beliefs. Good luck with applying them to your life. With lots of love and light,



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach that inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.‍

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