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6 Important Messages from Your Soul

We all receive many urgent letters and parcels, text messages and emails. However, how about messages from your soul? Meet them today.

message from your soul

The 6 Things Your Soul Wants to Tell You

We are all going through life seeking a higher purpose. For ages, we have been asking the same questions:

  • Who am I?

  • Why am I here?

  • Am I living in the right way?

  • What does my soul yearn for?

All events in our lives create the opportunity of learning the truth, meet the knowledge hidden in the deepest parts of our memory, and wake up spiritually. They are the opportunity to manifest the "Who am I?" question.

All events in our life just are and it does not matter if they are good or bad, but our reaction to them is important. We are who we decide who we are, being the not responsible for others' behaviour, but for ours - yeas.

When we realise that neither our emotions nor thoughts are ours, we feel freedom and can control our reactions. Each situation in your life is a gift. To better understand it, your soul has got six messages for you.

Read them carefully and apply their wisdom. You will notice that your life will change dramatically.

1. You Are Ok as You Are

Experiencing the higher and higher aspects of itself is the deepest yearning of your soul. Therefore, it climbs up, not down on the evolutional ladder. All next incarnations are for further evolution and exploration. Not repeating the same mistakes in each incarnation is important, as well as living in harmony with yourself.

All human bad deeds result from fear. and curiosity to experience new things Love is on the other side. In fact, there are only these two feelings, and all other emotions are just their derivates. Hence remember, that fear and guilt may lead you astray. Love and awareness are the panaceas, including self-love.

We are worthy and important not because we are people, but just because we are. And it is okay. I will repeat we are OK as we are. And each human being has an equal right to live.

messages from soul

2. Look At Yourself Through the Perspective Of Understanding

Although the way we react to the events in our lives is more critical than these events, our thoughts about ourselves are even more important.

We criticise ourselves for the poor outcome of our actions too often, by constant criticism and blaming, by thinking the following thoughts, "Why have I said it? Why have I reacted this way?"

Your soul wants you to look at yourself in a more lenient way. Even if you do something imperfectly, say

"At this moment and according to the currently possessed knowledge, I have done all I could."


"I am good enough as I am."

3. Your Soul Wants You to Look Deeply Into Your Feelings

Your highest truth is hidden in your deepest feelings, therefore, explore your emotions and listen to your feelings. Work according to them and respect them. Your soul talks to you in this way, communicating to you the things which your mind cannot understand.

Your spiritual growth will accelerate when you listen to your soul. Remember that thoughts are only imaginary creations of your or other beings' minds while feelings are always true.

Your inner voice is as a captain who navigates the ship.

He or she is more important than books, gurus, or priests. Words are the most unreliable way of telling the truth because of their distortions, manipulation or overinterpretation.

4. You Are Here for the Loftiest Vision Of Your Life

Your soul does not need anything. He or she possesses perfect wisdom, knowledge, strength, power, and glory. However, the knowledge itself is not enough, your soul yearns for exploration and experiences.

We are here to explore our lives and experience. - amusement, ease, serenity, love, goodness, compassion, and joy which we are ourselves.

We are the most perfect, the greatest, and the most deserving of admiration for God's creatures. We are the wonder that just must be discovered. But not knowing who we are true, we tend to consider ourselves as someone worse.

Unfortunately, the conviction of being unworthy has been installed by our closest ones, - parents - who unconsciously have shown us these erratic messages due to being fed with them themselves.

Our parents have brought us up as consumers who will do useless things, who feel like second-category citizens without these things, and who can be treated in a cruel way by their peers. Hence, how can we feel like a wonder in our adult life?

Negative beliefs also come from all other important figures (teachers, bosses), religion, social engineering and cultural background.

5. You Are Here to Celebrate Every Moment

It does not matter what you are experimenting with, but who you are feeling during this experience. Many of us, for example, succeed at our ventures, but we do not let feel the abundance that has just come and enjoy it. We suddenly move to another goal, ticking it and rushing repeatedly.

Stop and feast your eyes on the moment of achievement of your goal pursued. Your soul wants you to be part of an enormous wholeness. Realise that you are surrounded by the same energy everywhere, the energy from which you also come.

It has just got a different frequency and intensity. When you discover this truth, you feel some inner power which comes from the unity with everything that surrounds you.

This belief is destroyed by the feeling of separation, which is the reason for pain and disturbances. Therefore, we have been divided into we and you, these and those. God has been established as unreachable, somewhere in the sky. But the truth is that we are one infinite soul, coming from the same Source.

messages from soul

6. Your Souls Yearns for Inner Balance and Calmness

We can indeed listen while being calm. When we are mindful, we open to understanding and this immobility enables us to connect with our Selves and take a journey inside ourselves. Therefore, meditation, especially in the forest, on the beach or in other natural places is such an incredible experience.

It purifies you from the events which have an impact on you. Better or worse. Then you notice that all pass by and there is the unchangeable Self inside you. Knowing who you give you enormous strength because meditation enables you to experience your true essence - your perfect goodness, love, compassion, gentleness and wisdom. Learn more about how to meditate.

Let's meditate together

Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.

More about meditation

In a Nutshell

Today you have learnt the six messages your soul wants to tell you. Listen to him or her and find inner peace. Good luck. With lots of love and light,


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Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach that inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.

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