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5 Steps to Program Crystals for Dummies

Crystals need to be cleansed and recharged regularly. However, they will not work without efficient programming. Learn how to do it.

crystals are hidden in the mountains


Why Program Crystals

Most people think that selecting the right crystal and cleaning it regularly is enough to experience love, happiness, health, or prosperity. Unfortunately, the truth is different: crystals must be programmed. Why? Here are some reasons:

  • Crystals need your intention to work. Otherwise, energy is not directed by you but by any other being. it is just enough someone else passes by your crystal and wants to use it for their purposes.

  • Your intention may be overwritten by other people or even programmed as the opposite and you might not even know when it happens.

  • Negative energy can disturb your intention.

  • Your intention might have changed since you programmed your crystals the last time.

These are not all the reasons for the necessity of programming your crystals. But even these listed above show you how important it is to have control over the kind of energy you direct to crystals.

How To Program Crystals

There are a couple of ways that you can use for programming your crystals. let me mention a few:

1. Reiki

Reiki is probably the most common way of programming crystals. How to use it? Hold the crystal in your left hand and draw the symbols over it using your fire finger (middle finger) on your right hand.

You can repeat this process as often as you feel it is necessary. In the case, you wish to program a large number of crystals at once, place them on a clean white cloth or sheet and draw the symbols over the entire group.

A Word of Caution

Know the difference between programming and dedicating crystals. Any crystal (or piece of gemstone jewellery) can be dedicated to a person, project or situation.

However, only Clear Quartz is truly programmable because it has six inherent, main properties, appealing to energy (structure, storage, amplification, focus and transmission).

Meet Clear Quartz Better

Apart from the properties appealing to energy, Clear Quartz has some other interesting features: It is the chameleon of the crystal world. It is also known as one of our best crystal healing tools.

For example, if you placed a piece of Clear Quartz on an Amethyst bed, it would take on the additional subtle energy properties of Amethyst. These properties include above all:

  • promoting psychic ability,

  • dispelling negativity,

  • guarding against nightmares.

Without actual programming, this change would be temporary, yet possible with Clear

Quartz absorbs energy and therefore takes on programming.

2. The 5-Step Formula for Programming Crystals

The second method is more complex but workable for those who do not practise Reiki. Follow these steps carefully and you will notice visible results in your life.

2.1. Cleanse Your Thoughts

The process is simple. Just have pure thoughts and good, self-less intentions and then the crystal’s Deva or guardian will respond and grant your request for programming. You cannot program a crystal for anything other than selfless, pure intentions.

For example, you will never program a crystal to help you pick winning lottery numbers because it means that you are not already abundant in spirit, therefore, in essence, it is a low-vibration, fear-based request. This kind of asking implies a lack of trust in the spiritual process.

2.2. Pacify Negative Emotions

You will not enjoy the benefits of working with crystals being angry, resentful or vengeful. All energy of these and other negative emotions will pass to crystals and even a positive intention that you have set first will be sabotaged. Hence vent your emotions in a constructive way first.

2.3. Cleanse Crystals Before Programming

Before programming a crystal it must be thoroughly cleansed and charged, perhaps using one of the methods I listed in the posts published some time ago.

Read more about crystal cleansing - the article continues below

2.4. Prepare Your Environment

Next, choose a quiet place to sit and turn on some peaceful music plus use some incense. Sound and scent are positive, subtle vibrations. Hold the crystal gently in your right hand, placing your left hand under the right.

2.5. Meditate over the Crystal

Then, close your eyes and meditate on the crystal. Begin to feel its energies merging with your own. When you are ready, make your request for programming. For example, you may say:

‘I am asking this crystal to be programmed as a healing tool for sacred, space clearing. I respect and thank the crystal Deva for granting this request.’

In the case of a group crystal programming, stand together in a circle with the crystal in the centre and hold your right hand up at a slight angle, palm facing towards the crystal.

We are asking this crystal to be programmed for the healing work undertaken by this group. We are asking that the energies absorb and focus our combined, highest vibrations and purest intentions. We respect and thank the crystal Deva for granting our request.’

Cleansing and Reprogramming Dedicated Crystals

There is a difference between cleansing the crystals which have been already programmed and the newly bought ones.

In the case when you feel your programmed crystal needs cleansing, ask the Universe to remove only the negative or low vibrations and to keep the integrity and intent of the programming intact. However, follow the steps described above.

Programming Crystals for Group Work

It is handy in the case of having a particular crystal dedicated to group work. When programmed, it can contain all the energy of the group, and when is cleansed, only any low vibrations which may have been absorbed will be dissolved, whilst all of the positive energy of the group dynamic will remain.

In the case of a group, it is very important to have a positive joint intention and no conflicts resulting from, e.g. anger or resentment. peace and harmony will bring prosperity and abundance, and negative emotions - misery. also, remember to clean and tidy the office or house before programming.


You can re-program your crystal for something else once it has already been programmed. Just perform thorough cleansing of the crystal, so that you can remove all previous programming. Let the crystal recharge for a few days before re-programming it for another purpose, preferably in the sunlight or the moonlight.

Re-programming Clear Quartz By Sunlight or Moonlight

Pay special attention to Quartz. You can place it on a windowsill for 24 hours so that it can absorb balanced energy from both sun- and moonlight.

However, do not do it with Rose Quartz or Citrine (i.e. exposure to the sunlight) as these crystals will lose their colours and even healing properties. When you expose Clear Quartz to sunlight or moonlight, set an intention:

Let these crystals absorb the powerful, pure energy of the Sun/Moon to amplify my decent intention.

Using Earth

Placing a crystal on the ground is another good method, especially when it is placed on the grass or in a window box if you do not have access to a garden. Also, you can bask them in a container with sand or put them under the tree.

The earth can safely absorb and discharge negative vibrations with ease, whilst reconnecting the crystal to its source. However, take care if you have children or animals not to swallow or choke on the crystals! Set an intention:

Let these crystals absorb the powerful, pure energy of Earth to amplify my decent intention.

In a Nutshell

Today I have presented you with some simple methods of programming your crystals. However, before starting the process, make sure that they are cleaned and that your intention is selfless. You can program crystals individually or as a group. You can also re-program your crystals later. With lots of love and light,



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach that inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

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