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105 Cool Affirmations You Should Use to Balance Chakras

You have probably heard about chakras and their impact on your life. learn how to balance these energy centres by affirmations.

balance your chakras by the seaside


What Are Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that literally translates into a spinning wheel. According to ancient yogic traditions, there are seven major chakras that are energy centres in our body.

Why Are Chakras So Important?

Each of these chakras corresponds to a particular colour-coded vibrational frequency in the universe which influences our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

When our chakras are perfectly aligned with the universal flow of energy, i.e., balance, every aspect of our life becomes harmonious and joyful.

Click here to learn how to strengthen your aura - the article continues below:

105 Affirmations Balancing Chakras

It is commonly known that there are seven major chakras, although some sources write about 8 or even 12. For the beginner, it is advisable to start by working on the first seven, commonly known as chakras.

I will give you two groups of affirmations: the easy and the advanced ones. Start from the easy ones and then, when practising affirmations become a habit, add some more of them.

Also, start from the chakra which is the most affected by negativity. However, also work on the lower chakras if the deficient one is e.g. the sacral or throat one.

If you are not sure where to start, read the easy affirmations for each chakra aloud looking into the mirror. If you feel resistance or disbelief in a given affirmation, this is the sore spot that needs healing.

The Root Chakra

It is located at the base of our spine and corresponds to the colour red. This chakra relates to our basic human instinct for survival, security, and stability.

  • I feel safe and secure.

  • I trust myself.

  • I am grounded and stable, connected to the Earth.

  • I make healthy choices.

  • I have everything I need.

More advanced affirmations for chakras- try these, too:

  • I am filled with greatness (list what blessings you have in your life).

  • I always take care of my body.

  • My body is healthier and healthier every day.

  • My financial situation improves every day.

  • I am creating more and more wealth.

  • I feel safe wherever I go and whatever I do.

  • I am open to more prosperity.

  • I am open to health.

  • I am open to safety and trust.

  • I receive health and wealth.

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Affirmations for Sacral Chakra

It is located just below our navel in our lower abdominal region. The colour of this chakra is a deep, saturated orange. The second chakra relates to reproduction on a physical level. creativity, joy, and relationships correspond to the chakra's emotional level while our energy and passions are on a spiritual level.

  • I take care of my body.

  • I love my body.

  • I use my creativity for a higher purpose.

  • I am in touch with my feelings.

  • I express my feelings in a healthy way.

More advanced affirmations for chakras - try these, too:

  • I am balanced. I know when to act, and I know when to wait.

  • My emotions serve me every time I am among people.

  • My sex life flourishes.

  • I implement my creative ideas easily and efficiently.

  • I am open to the pleasure of sexual life.

  • I am open to creativity.

  • I am brave enough to implement my creative ideas.

  • I receive all kinds of pleasure.

  • I am grateful for the pleasant moments I have experienced in my life.

  • I am open to exploring my emotions.

balance your chakras looking at the tree

The Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

This chakra is located above our navel and directly in our stomach area. The solar plexus chakra plays a vital role in digestion and glows in a bright yellow colour. This chakra deals with growth and pertains to issues of personal power, intellect, control, and spiritual evolution

More advanced affirmations for chakras- try these, too:

  • I accept that I am learning and growing.

  • I give myself permission to be my authentic self.

  • I accept the people around me and am never afraid of them.

  • I can handle people's opinions.

  • I am open to new knowledge and learning new skills.

  • I am motivated to pursue my true purpose.

  • I am open to receiving all that is the best from people.

  • My thoughts are positive.

  • My strength inspires other people.

  • My strength inspires other people.

  • I make my own decisions with confidence and conviction.

Master your thoughts - check this- the article continues below:

The Heart Chakra Affirmations

The heart chakra is in the centre of the chest and spins with the vibrant green colour of spring. This chakra is one of the most important meditation tools for cleansing and clearing spiritual imbalances. The key issues related to the third chakra are unconditional love, compassion, and well-being.

  • I am open to love.

  • I love and approve of myself.

  • I am grateful for all that I have.

  • I live in balance and peace.

More advanced affirmations for chakras- try these, too:

  • I am filled with love and compassion for every being in Space.

  • I am open to self-love.

  • I am worthy of love.

  • I am forgiving and understanding.

  • There is enough love for each being on Earth and in Space.

  • I am filled with the courage to receive love.

  • I forgive easily.

  • I regularly practise self-forgiveness.

  • I accept things as they are.

  • I am understanding of other beings' thoughts, language and deeds.

Practise gratitude - check this - the current article continues below:

Affirmations for the Throat Chakra

This chakra is in our throat and exudes a pale blue light. The throat chakra governs our ability to express and communicate clear thoughts and ideas. It is also related to maturity, truth, independence, and the ability to trust others.

  • I easily communicate my feelings.

  • I speak my truth.

  • I listen with the ear of my heart.

  • I feel safe expressing myself.

  • I can say "no" when I need to.

More advanced affirmations for chakras- try these, too:

  • Being honest will free me from my current situation.

  • I am filled with the power of spirit.

  • I am assertive in my communication.

  • I am safe and trust others to allow me to express myself truthfully.

  • I communicate my needs freely and with confidence.

  • My honesty attracts what I deserve.

  • I use my words to make peace in the world.

  • My language is always positive and filled with love.

  • I understand other beings' messages, whatever they are.

  • I follow my guts in communicating with other beings.

The Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

The third eye chakra is positioned in the centre of our forehead, between our eyebrows. It is also known as the brow chakra; it is spinning in a deep saturated dark blue hue.

The sixth chakra helps us tap into our inner guidance and divine vision. This chakra deals with developing intuitive clarity, releasing repressed emotions, and attaining self-realization.

  • I am in touch with my inner guidance.

  • I can consciously create my life.

  • I see challenges in my life with great clarity.

  • I am intuitive.

  • I am open to inspiration.

More advanced affirmations for chakras- try these, too:

  • I am a wise decision-maker.

  • I have the courage to share my wisdom with other beings.

  • I always follow my intuition.

  • I can implement my vision.

  • I am working on my intuition.

  • I develop my spiritual potential (e.g., telepathy, clairvoyance).

  • I see all things in clarity.

  • I take responsibility for my wisdom.

  • I am connected to the wisdom of the universe.

  • Every opportunity is a situation to grow.

  • Every situation is an opportunity to polish my intuition.

The Crown Chakra Affirmations

The crown chakra is located at the top of our head or in the crown area and corresponds to the violet colour. The role of this chakra is based on awakening consciousness and attaining enlightenment through the integration of the self into the one universal form of intelligence.

  • I let go, and I trust the process of life.

  • I am always connected to God.

  • I am always connected to the Beings of Light (e.g., angels, Jesus, Mary, and guardians).

  • I am doing my best to stay in Light

  • I bravely let go and allow the Universe to reveal its beautiful plan for me.

More advanced affirmations for chakras- try these, too:

  • I believe in my divine strength and light.

  • I trust divine guidance.

  • I am a spiritual being in a human body.

  • I am always connected to God/the Source

  • I know deep inner peace.

  • I am loved, cherished, and adored by this Universe.

  • The Universe always inspires me.

  • My life relates to the Universe.

  • I trust my soul.

  • I accept and eagerly implement my soul plan.

How To Practice Affirmations on Chakras

When using the following affirmations, sit or lie down in a quiet place and focus on the location of each chakra. As you speak out or silently meditate on each affirmation, visualize a wheel spinning face-up in a clockwise direction in the specific colour frequency of each chakra:

Writing is another method you can use for the affirmations listed above. Just sit down every day and write down one affirmation for each chakra three or nine times in a notebook bought for this purpose.

You can also learn these affirmations by heart and stand in front of the mirror citing them. Singing while having a shower would be another interesting option.

Moreover, make seven posters in the colours corresponding to each chakra, and hang them on the wall where you stay the most during the day. Write one or a maximum of two affirmations on each poster corresponding to one of the seven chakras.

Combine Affirmations with Meditation

Record your affirmations with some background music. Then start meditating, focusing on each word. You can also listen to the affirmations first and then practise spiritual meditation, cleansing and balancing all chakras.

Let's meditate together

Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.

More about meditation

In a Nutshell

Chakras are powerful centres of energy that can help you to become happy and live in the Light when balanced and sound. Using affirmations is one of the most effective ways to achieve this goal. Good luck. With lots of love and light,



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach twho inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.

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