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10 Brutal Things You Must Accept to Be Happy

The 10 things which you need to accept in your life and about which I will write in this post are not just modern slogans of self-development. Acceptance is a must for everyone who wants to be a happy person. Learn what you need to face.

Acceptance is the pillar of happy life

Before I present you with the top ten, first let's become familiar with acceptance itself. This term does not mean that you should love everything in this world.

It is just an acknowledgement of the fact that something exists in the Universe. You may hate it, and feel discomfort, but acknowledge that it is in your environment.

You already know that acceptance is the value of the Light and it is necessary to master the way of spiritual growth, is one of the first, basic steps to start growing.

The 10 Things You Need to Accept In Your Life

None of them is more or less important. However, if you do not accept even one of them, your life will not be a happy one anymore.

1. Accept Your Health Limits

It concerns your physical, spiritual, and mental health. There are as many people as genetic combinations.

However, genes are not all, your nutrition and environment have a huge impact on your development. Later, as an adult, you are responsible for the quality of your health.

Yet sometimes we have some chronic illnesses like epilepsy which limits our life because we cannot drive so our mobility is limited. People after accidents or sometimes since birth in wheelchairs are in a worse situation, not to mention the blind and deaf ones.

Recommended reading:

2. Accept Your Sex

Each sex has some limits and is under the pressure of social and religious codes. Expectations start from birth when your parents exclaim in delight or sometimes disappointment 'It's a boy!' or 'It's a girl!' Then you notice all the pros and cons of being a man or a woman while growing up and later in your adult life.

3. Accept Your Parents

According to reincarnation teachings, your soul has chosen your parents. But regardless if you believe in reincarnation or not, your parents are who they are. If you feel pain because of how they treated or still treat you remember that your parents have also been treated this way.

accept the beauty of the sea

4. Accept Your Children

Sometimes it is hard to accept the sex of your child or the way this human being develops, his or her interests, quirks, and temper. We usually want children of whom we can be proud, who do not make too much hassle for us.

However, the truth is brutal: our children are not our property, they are separate beings. The quicker you take it into account the better.

5. Accept Your Decisions

Many people regret their decisions or beat up themselves for mistakes made. But the truth is that you have made the best decision at a given moment, with the right knowledge and usually listening to your guts. We are not imperfect, we are humans with the right to make mistakes.

6. Accept Your Failures

Your failures may be the result of your bad decisions, but also negligence, laziness and sometimes too much pressure. Whatever has caused your failure, see it as a lesson to be learned, as feedback which can be used for success in the future.

7. Accept Your Mental Limits

How many times have you compared your IQ to someone else's or wished you could sing, read, and write as excellently as him or her? If you have done it at least once, self-acceptance of your mental capabilities is your challenge to win. We are all unique and comparison to other people just does not work.

8. Accept Your Quirks

Society forces us to behave, think and speak in each way, the same for all of us. If you, for example, talk to yourself in the presence of other people, chances are that people may make fun of you.

The truth is that everyone will see a different thing in you as a quirk, depending on their cultural and social background. You can do something with your quirk if it causes too much negative social feedback but just acknowledge it.

9. Accept Your Past

It is said that the past cannot be changed, and the future is in your hands. Therefore, there is no point in ruminating about the wrongs someone had done to you, blaming yourself for past mistakes, wrong decisions, unhappy childhood, or relationships. Just acknowledge it has been and start living with the present.

Recommended reading:

10. Accept Your Friends and Partner

Relationships are the base of a happy holistic life. You need to learn how to love on the levels of your body, mind, heart, and soul. Know that your friends and partner may accept you only on some of these parts of their selves.

For example, your best friend accepts you mentally but deep down hates your behaviour. Your job is to make them aware of the problem and solve it.

It also concerns you. it is not enough to say, "I accept his quirks." You need to do it wholeheartedly and without judgment (i.e. giving up duality). Otherwise, you cannot expect that other people will holistically accept you.

accept the beauty of nature

Practise Meditation

Meditate to learn acceptance and love - yourself and other beings.

Let's meditate together

Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.

More about meditation

In a Nutshell

It does not mean that you should be stuck to them. You can always end a toxic relationship or friendship.

I have written many articles on this blog about toxic people. However, if you do decide to keep in contact with toxic friends, just be aware of their behaviour and stop complaining.

There are at least ten things you need to accept in your life to feel happy. Your parents, sex and mental skills are the most obvious ones, sometimes you are also facing an illness or toxic relationships.

Your past life cannot be changed either so close it and focus on the present, creating a brilliant future.



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach who inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.

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