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8 Ways to Use Words to Create the Lie You Want

Words transform. They can create or destroy. Learn how to transform your language so that it will attract more happiness to your life. Holistic and spiritual approach.

words can be like roses - hurt or nourish


We can hear about using a langue since the youngest, especially at school and when travelling abroad.

However, mostly spoken or written language is taken into account (i.e. verbal language) while communication is a much more complex process. Moreover, communication can happen on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

Kinds of Language

Firstly, let's distinguish what language really means and what kinds of it you can distinguish. To put it simply, language is "a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in its culture, express themselves.

The functions of language include communication, the expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and emotional release."

Often called Mentalese, this kind of language resembles the spoken one in several key respects: it consists of words that can combine into sentences; the words and sentences are meaningful.

Each sentence's meaning depends in a systematic way upon the meanings of its component words and the way those words are combined. All these elements plus pictures combine your thoughts and thought-forms.

Verbal - Spoken and Written/Sign Language

Eventually, you want to utter your thoughts and thought forms by speaking. Writing, and speaking is used here. How many times have you ended up with negative events in life just because of negative self-talk?

Body and Non-Verbal Language

Apart from words, spoken or written, we use a variety of non-verbal language. Here are some examples:

  • body language - facial expressions, eye contact, body movement and posture, gestures, touch

  • space - how far you are from the other person,

  • sign language

Again, they can be positive and negative. Nodding, clapping your hands, and smiling face and eyes signal positivity, while frowned forehead, pouted lips, wide eyes lowered eyebrows, and fidgeting may indicate aggression.

The Language of Your Soul

Souls communicate with us through symbols, metaphors, archetypes, poetry, deep feelings and mystical imagination (seeing the sacredness in all of life). Also, do not forget about intuition.

In this article, I will focus on the verbal aspect of language, i.e. words. Moreover, I will also discuss the issue of multilingual impact on your happiness.

Can Words Define Your Identity

The answer is obviously "yes". Language does not define identity, but it can help you express your identity or your perceived identity.

People often use words or features of a dialect to express or convey an image or identity with which they want to affiliate or to affiliate with ingroups, social networks, or even cultural competency.

As words transform, the quality of your language creates the quality of your life. Negative words, put-downs, cursing, and labels program even more negativity, attracting appropriate people and circumstances. You will find more examples later in this article.

Bilingual Words and Their Impact on Your Life

Both languages have an impact on your life. The first one learnt since birth - subconscious language, is often used in your self-talk even if you are fluent in the second or the third language.

Even if a child is bilingual and each of his/her parents talks to him/her in a different language, only one of these languages will be dominant because, for example, it is more often used, e.g. at school or in the child's family.

It happens because your mind has been exposed more times to the first language and your thinking patterns are strongly installed in your subconscious mind.

Therefore, an insult or a put-down will be more insulting and annoying when you hear it in your mother tongue.

However, you can use the second language to reprogram your subconscious mind and install positive patterns. I know a couple of people who have transformed their lives by using a second language for changing the quality of their lives.

False friends

However, sometimes you can find the same looking or sounding word in two different languages, but meaning something different. and this difference in meaning can be very tricky. Here are some examples:

  • "Caravan" (English) - a vehicle equipped for living in, typically towed by a car and used for holidays versus "karawan" [karavan] (Polish) - a funeral hearse.

  • "Ankle" (English - part of the body) - Fußknöchel (German meaning) versus "Enkel "(German) - grandchild

  • "No" (English - negative) versus "no" (Polish) - "well" (used in conversation)

  • "Annoy" (English - become angry and irritated) means "seccare" in Italian while "annoiare" means "to bore".

How to Transform Your Words Used Every Day

The bad news is that if you continue using negative language, your life will become a misery.

But the good news is that any positive change in your linguistic habits will improve the quality of your life: people will perceive you differently, namely better, more positive opportunities will emerge, and your overall level of happiness will increase.

I will present you with eight ways of transforming your language. here they are:

1. Making Words Work

To consciously harness the power of words for your benefit, start with the ones you are using. To achieve this goal, record your language for, let's say, three days. Wherever you go, take a small notebook, and note down what your dominant words are every half an hour.

If you are working, do this during your break. Digital tools, like Evernote, are also good. You can also record yourself and then listen to it, noting down the dominant words.

When you have finished, look at your notes: What have you found? Are you happy with your language? Would you like someone talked to you in this way? If not, the time has come for change.

2. No Name-Calling or Self-Criticism Words

Everyone is doing the best they can at any moment in time with the consciousness they have to work with, including you. Be kind and offer yourself the same empathy and compassion you’d extend to anyone else.

Never call yourself an "idiot", "jerk", or "failure". Stop using "impossible", and "I can't". Limit "should/shouldn't" and "have- to". I deliberately crossed out the expressions as they are some of the most destructive examples of the English language.

It is not the whole list, of course. And I will not mention all the curses and offensive words here as this would kill the positive vibrations of this article and website.

3. Stop Using All Self-Deprecation Words

Never make your body, or something you have accomplished, or anything else in your life the butt of a joke. Words have power, and quantum energy doesn’t have a sense of humour.

How many times have you complimented something done and then added... BUT ...? The sentence following "but" erases all the positivity from your statement.

Of course, constructive criticism and feedback are important but never let your inner critic sabotage your achievements. You can use "though/although" instead. For example:

  • I am an employee of the month... but still have problems with socialising. - self-depreciation

  • Although I sometimes struggle with socialising (and specify what it means exactly), I am the employee of the month. - constructive approach to criticism.

  • Even if I sometimes struggle with socialising (specify what it means exactly), I am excellent at (name something which is your forte). - balancing self-depreciation

4. Resist Gossiping and Backbiting

Any word articulated by your mouth generates energy. There is no point gossiping (i.e. focusing on other people's business), even if you do not backbite. Anything that you will say comes back multiplied. Moreover, direct derision or scoff can emerge at the least expected moment in your life.


Analyse your style of conversations with your friends. What are the main topics - your issue or the life of your friends?

How are you talking about other people when they are not present? Do you complain, criticise, or say anything negative about other people behind their backs?

If so, the time has come for a change. The next time while talking to your friends, not only avoid gossiping but also change the topic anytime they start this destructive practice.

5. Go on a Negativity Diet

All that you say does not only affect other people but mostly yourself. The meaning of words can lead to unwanted consequences.

Let's say that you are in a restaurant had do not like the ordered meal. What would you say - "terrible meal" or " I have a better one”?

From a holistic point of view, the second option is correct. Why? Because all that has been said has been put into your body. "Terrible meal" will be digested harder and can even poison you while using "better" implies something positive.


Think of the cases when you say that something is "terrible", "awful", "or abhorrent".

Analyse your job, family, friends, and even all the things in your surroundings. If you notice that your talk is full of criticism, anger, disappointment, and frustration (e.g. you might say 'What a slow computer! Com on!') change the language.

Write down the most obvious and the most often used statements and transform them. For example:

  • I've worked on a faster computer

  • I will look for a better job

  • I know friendlier people than this man/woman.

6. Boost the Positive Energy of Words

Do you usually say something like "I had a good time at a concert"? Did you know that "good" can be replaced with something even more positive?

What about saying great, terrific, or fantastic, instead? These feel much better and generate a bigger energetic response in the body.


Review your conversations with people. Any time you use "good" or "ok", apply a different vocabulary.

For example, if someone asks how you are, answer "Grand" instead of "Fine". Describing something positive, dare to replace the flat "good" with "fabulous, excellent, marvellous, wonderful."

Practise the new way of talking for three weeks and you will see the difference.

7. Limit the Time Spent with Negative Friends

Anyone who drains your energy is not your true friend. Sometimes it is better to find better people. Negative energy has a way of dragging everything surrounding it in, like a big black hole. Avoid it when you can.

Further reading about energy vampires:

8. Surround Yourself with Positive, Uplifting Words

I have written about the importance of affirmations many times on my blog. To amplify learning the new, more positive, and uplifting language, use sticky notes.

Put them around your home and office. Let them say wonderful things about you, your family, or your goals.

Moreover, you can wear clothes that have positive messages or phrases on them. Imagine the kind of wonderful energy you will be generating for yourself when wearing positivity all day long.

As you keep doing these things, you use the power of repetition and create new, uplifting habits in a highly effective way for your benefit.

Always remember you have the power to change your world, and using words consciously is one of the quickest ways to shift the energy you bring into your life.

Further reading about affirmations:

Let's meditate together

Connect by telepathy during meditation on Saturdays at 8 pm GMT. I will meditate with you and other people so that our joint energy can create miracles. Send your intention to the Universe. Transform your life and the world.

More about meditation

In a Nutshell

Today you have learnt what kinds of language are used, how it influences your happiness and what to do to create more positivity, by speaking differently. Analyse your self-speak: are there name-callings, negative labels, self-sabotage or victimism?

Amplify positive words and minimise the impact of negative ones. Surround yourself with friendly people and sticky notes or clothes having a positive affirmation written on them. Good luck with creating a happy life by using more uplifting language. With lots of love and light,



Vicky is an experienced holistic writer and coach that inspires, motivates, and encourages everyone to become the best version of themselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually.


The content of Awaken Happy Life is published for educational and informative purposes only. It does not substitute medical or any other professional advice. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. The author of Awaken Happy Life is not liable for any consequences of applying any piece of advice published on this website by the reader.‍

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